Emilie Racine is a multidisciplinary artist comes from scenography. Puppetry arts serve her need to design, build, perform and direct visual theatre tinged with dreaminess and poetry. Recipient in 2013 of the prize for the best mémoire-creation Master in theater from the University of Quebec in Montreal, Emilie is passionate about visual dramaturgy. Her shows (un)stitch(ed) and The Newlywed Ravens play in several festivals (Festival de Casteliers, Vue sur la Relève, Festival International des Arts de la Marionnette à Saguenay, Montréal Complètement Cirque, Festival de théâtre de rue de Lachine, Festival Mondial des théâtres de marionnettes de Charleville-Mézières en France, Festival cultural de Mayo au Mexique, etc.)

In 2016, she collaborated with the Théâtre Incliné (staging assistance and puppet buider) to work on the show Meeting Point created at the Nordland Visual Theater in Norway. In 2017, she founded the Collectif Pi, recipient of the silver medal at the 8th Jeux de la Francophonie in Ivory Coast in the giant puppets discipline with their show Life of Pi, adapted from Yann Martel’s novel. A grant holder at The Canada Council for the Arts and the Quebec Arts and Letters Council, Emilie co-founded with Laurence Castonguay Emery the theater company Territoire 80. Following a meeting with Carolina Garcia Marques at the Casteliers Festival in March 2017 , Emilie travels to Brazil for a creative residency at Vale Arvoredo to make the puppets for the show Habite-moi, a Brazil-Canada co-production (Production 4 and Territoire 80).

As laureates, the spin-offs of the Jeux de la Francophonie lead to projects of artistic collaborations with artists coming from different horizons in the context of festivals and cultural mediation projects. In 2018, Emilie participates in “The Caravan of Street Arts” organized by the MASA (African Market of performing Arts). With the project of creating a giant puppet elephant, the Collective Pi has crisscrossed 5 cities of Ivory Coast with 50 African artists during a week-long tour. As an artist-teacher with her giant puppet concept called Céleste, she gives workshops in Mali and Madagascar in three festivals (RDV with us in Bamako, Arts-Women Festival in Bamako and Zegny’Zo Festival). to Diego Suarez).
Emilie also works for various companies as a puppeteer, both on the side of manipulation and puppet builder (Théâtre de la Dame de Coeur, Terra Karnaval, Société de la St-Jean-Baptiste de Montréal, Théâtre à l’Envers, Terres en vues , etc.). Since 2011, she has been teaching contractually at the Cégep de Saint-Hyacinthe for the Arts, Letters and Communication pre-university program – Exploration théâtrale option.